Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Sam's dad birthday

It was raining after i knock off yesterday. Sam came to meet me here, we got ourselves coated and covered before moving off into the rain. We then headed to Chinatown Point because she wanted to redeem a free swensen ice-cream cake courtesy of Singtel. Surprisingly the whole cake with the cake box plus all my other stuffs fitted in the rear box and off we go. It's always a hassle keeping the wet raincoats after riding in the rain.

Ate steamboat there and was pretty bloated after that. Managed to transfer some of the photos in my GD88 to her computer because her brother had the infra red port. Will upload the pictures when she sent it to me!

Damn weather...raining again started raining only after i was nearly riding off with my bike i had to hurriedly put on my raincoat and stuff before moving off. And here they are in my office being dried....going to celebrate valen's birthday by having dinner later...looking forward...cheers

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