Thursday, November 20, 2003

I'm at home WOOHOO!

Went CMPB to submit some edocument shit..this is the 4th time i've been there already...those inefficient morons...why can't they just settle it at one go chop chop? Anyway it's ok...i settled everything within half an hour today and i came home first of course! Going back to office later after lunch....the day will be easier and shorter to pass of course. I just cooked myself a packet of maggi mee (actually myojo mee) and nuggets and i just finished them. I has been months since i ate maggi mee can you believe it.

Don't know what to do now..1 more hour to go before i shall go back to office. Nothing much to blog about today. I'm contemplating if i should DIY cut the cushion of my bike to lower to seat...haii...wait spoil i'll cry...

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