Resumed jogging after work yesterday, i just can't believe timing still remained at 12 to improve by Sunday? Die lah...Anyway there was a women touch rugby tournament going on yesterday, the semi finals were between Raffles JC, St Andrews JC, Singapore American School and Singapore French school. The other JCs were eliminated..not sure how many took part but I saw Pioneer JC and Nanyang. Looking at them reminds me of my time in JC, how much I enjoyed those days, excluding the studies of course. It was especially fun in CJC and I think it's the of my most enjoyable schooling days of my life. We used to escape after recess to go Orchard together, play soccer, gather in class or the canteen to chit chat and poke fun at teachers. A pity it was a short 3 mths and my darn form teacher that time pissed me off so much that I refused to stay at CJC...all her darn fault. I can't remember what I did, but she called my mummy up and complained, what's up with that? Oh..i think it's because I missed too many lessons, but come's the first 3 mths..i haven't had enough rest after the big Os and I wanted to have fun haha. In the end, I chose SAJC and I have to say it's one of the worse decision of my life. Although I did have fun there, I wasted 1 year of my life and while friends are getting out of army soon, I've yet to enter.
Shall not look back. Anyway after dinner I went on to fetch Sam to her auntie's place. On our way there past Geylang, we saw Henry...what coincidence. But we were on the road so we didn't stop. We also went Geylang Serai with nicole and walked around. It sure was crowded and I felt like I was in Malaysia haha. Anyway I think it's the first time in my life that I've been there and it sure was a new experience. I rode nicole's bicyle, it was really really really small, I'm sure people around were laughing inside...but who least I don't hehe.
We bought Putu Piring home, it was brown sugar wrapped with flour..something like the chinese's Kuei Tutu. I don't really like the Putu Piring but apparently Nicole love it. Played nicole's Pokemon monopoly, not really fun since they played with their own rule.
Finally it's Friday and it just feels good. Have lots of projects to hand in next year but I don't want to worry about those right now hehe.
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