Recently, I've been put in a situation which allows me loads of time to idle and dream, and that explains the existence of this post.
You guys read the papers today? There's 77,000 millionaires in Singapore, a more than 15% increase from the previous year. I really really really want to join the club!
Well, in actual fact, if you think about it, a million dollars isn't a lot of money anymore in our era. But people like you and me still struggle and work like dogs and cows just to earn that very first million dollars. Our Singapore Pools thrives precisely on this desire of ours as well.
Not one who will live humbly if I have the means, in fact I like to live life extravagantly lol. Like what they say about sexy women, if you have it, flaunt it!
Being a typical man myself, what else would be more ego boosting than a nice header turning ride? And for that I'll spend part of that 1 million dollars on a red Alfa Romeo Spider!
That purchase will probably leave me with only about 80% of the million dollars remiaining and what else beats having a nice shelter above your head, a place you call home while million others envy and dream of having. I've been passing by this nice condo at Yishun call The Shaughnessy quite often the past week and I kinda fell in love with it. This condo comprises of 3-storey homes that come complete with recreational roof terraces and private carpark lots in the basement. It is indeed an ideal home I can truly call mine lol.
My dream home
My living room
My bedroom
My kitchen
Actually I highly doubt the $800k I have left would be enough for this, even the full million dollars might be insufficient. Which is why I'll choose to put the new home plans on hold first! In fact, this sum of money will come in very handy indeed for my very first smally cafe! Of course I won't blog down the exact concept and idea of my business but if you trust me on this, its definitely gonna be a blast!
And when this cafe keeps the money flowing in, more cafes will pop up and after that, I'll finally be able to afford that Shaughnessy home of mine where I can live comfortably with Mum, Aunt and my future wife and children.
Still in my cockaigne I am, getting back to reality soon. Nee Soon Camp I'm coming back.
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