Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Topic 1: Are foreign expatriates getting better privileges than us Singaporeans??

Inspired by class 95's morning show's Glenn, rod and FD...i have decided that this shall be the first topic i will like to talk about.

In my opinion, i think it's true that expatriates especially caucasians gets more privileges compared to singaporeans. They are perceived as more knowledgable and more intelligent than singaporeans are. That is why they are usually promoted more quickly and are treated well by their bosses. Another reason might be because they are able to speak better english and are more fluent in their speech.

In Bata, this is also the case. Singaporeans are never given the very high posts no matter how hard they work and how long they have served the company. They will rather post foreign "talents" who knows nothing about Singapore and how singaporeans work. I believe it will be more better to give authority to someone that lives here, eat here and breathe the air here. He will know much better which location is suitable and not suitable to open new branches, singaporean's shopping behaviour and how much they are willing to spend.

We singaporeans should not feel inferior. Foreigners be it japanese, caucasians or blackies, do have always have bigger brains than us (although they are usually bigger in size than us lah..hehe). It's time for us to come out of the shadow...forget about the history and traditions...ang mors no longer colonize our land..we can do better than them. Use Sim Wong Hoo as our motivation! He's the boss of thousands of ang mors!

Comments please!

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