Wednesday, August 06, 2003

*** Just another Boring Wednesday..wish it was Friday ***

This is gonna be a real short week i hope. Since Monday i had to go Jurong Point (Gao Luck Land, Malaysia) on Monday and was on MC on Tuesday, so my working day starts today this week. Nothing to do as usual so just surfing around and pretending to edit my user manual. Kinda worrying about my computer coz there was this black line that only appeared yesterday across the monitor and it just wouldn't go off no matter what i do, i even reformatted the whole com. I suspect it's some dead pixel on the LCD...byebye $$$. Do visit my blog more often and do suggest websites and things i can do while im bored at work. But still figuring out how to have a posting section on my blogspot...sounds chim though..anyone knows pls tell me!

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