Monday, August 16, 2004


I got this job through a marist friend of mine fishy..he has since left the job because he's flying off to the states soon for studies. Ever since i've started work here..i've been betting non-stop lol.

Here i got to know another guy..also a temp..also a graduate from poly. We call him Meh meh..or rather he named himself that..reason why he tried explaining but i just don't get it lol. Anyway he's rather pityful...he's always being aimed by the staff there. Since the start of work here, he has been given black faces and lousy work by fellow colleagues in his department. Just today while signing our time sheet...his boss told him that one female colleague has told him that he has been coming in late for work...9.30am..when we're supposed to start work at 9am. And of course he had to take away half an hour away from his OT which means $5+.

The weird thing is fishy has been working here for so long and coming in late so often and yet no one paotoh him. Colleagues can even joke and laugh with fishy but not meh meh. And meh meh isn't exactly a bad guy you know..he talks to everybody and is a chubby blur guy haha. Only thing is half the time i don't understand what he's trying to say. Anyway 90% of the staff come in late..including myself of course and no one says anything..he had to be the unlucky one haha.

During lunch time today, it was we decided to take a shelter way out of the building. We ended up at one exit door we thought we could use. I pushed it and goddammit the security alarm started to rang so loud everyone around the building started staring at us. I was so embarrassed but also partly amused. The stupid old malay security guard had to give me a nagging and took down my ic number..anyway nothing happened...but it sure gave me a shock for awhile.

This job is fine...the work is easy and not tiring. I even get to chat and surf the net quite often. This is one job i don't dread going to early in the morning...time passes quickly there and i'm glad for that. Can't say the same for meh meh though..that poor sheep...all he does is filing and sorting huge stacks of documents throughout..i pity him. If you read this fatty cheer up k..tahan 1 more mth..i'm with u ;)

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