Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A brand new year..year 2007!

Its really scary how quickly time flew. In a blink of an eye..its already 2007! I made a few resolutions last year but i've yet to complete them i shall keep them for this year!

Frankly speaking, 2006 hasn't been a good year for me..i think it sucked. Few things went my way. I hope this new year won't be the same..i wish for many wonderful things to happen to me!

Met up with Puss on Monday for a jog. The last time i jogged was at the Standard Chartered Marathon. So this time we jogged only 5km but it nearly killed me. I was so shagged after the run i had to sit down on the kerb immediately haha. After the run, we decided to visit the new hype up Ikea and Courts. By the time we got there, it was around 9.20pm and we wanted to eat and drink so badly. But the stupid Ikea restaurant wouldn't let us queue up because they insist that the kitchen closes at 9pm. But they were still a crowd queuing up..what would 2 more orders do to them?! Pissed off, we walked to Courts hoping to find something to eat but there was none too. Courts was really like a super big pasar malam...almost everything were on sale. With Giant set to open there soon, that place can really cater to our every needs! In the end, we ended up eating at Punggol Nasi Lemak afterwhich we met up with horsey and we went to Holland village's haagen daaz for awhile. After that, we headed down to Vivocity for a midnight movie Fast Food Nation. Well...its a movie based on a book written by Eric Schlosser. When it was published in 2001, Fast Food Nation quickly became a New York Times bestseller, with its no-holds-barred, non-fiction exploration of "the dark side of the All-American meal." There are quite a few celebrities acting the show..namely Bruce Willis, Avril Lavigne, Ethan Hawke and Greg Kinnear. The show actually tells us that there's shit in the meat..don't want to talk to much about it if you're interested.

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Played soccer with the guys from Christ The King's altar servers yesterday at St Wilfreds. My friend booked the court from 1pm - crazy is that haha. Now my legs are all numb and aching from all that kicking and running. It has been like 5 years since i left the servers, the small boys that used to stand beside me on the santuary are now all grown up. Some of them can even kick the ball better than i now! Haha. I would like to emphasise that time really flies! Please make full use of it!

Oh the number 1 show of 2006 was Pirates of the Carribean Dead Man's Chest and the number 1 song of 2006 Fort Minor's Where you go. Not that i totally agree...but what the heck who cares haha.

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