Friday, March 02, 2007

41st Signal Anniversary Dining in 2007 plus the mess i created

Today is my Signal formation's 41st Signal Anniversary. Had games day in the morning before we were released for a half day off. But the bunch of regulars from signals were required to attend a dining-in in the evening at Orchid Country Club.

Its my first time attending a dining-in. We were required to wear a no 2 and observe some fine dining etiquette while eating. But i must say it was quite an eye opener and i kinda enjoyed myself except for one thing. Read more below.

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Jieming, Kheng Siang and me

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Chin Seng, Kheng Siang and me

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Andrew, Jieming, Kheng Siang and me

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Andrew and me

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Kheng Siang and me

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The group of us with my former B2

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My place

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Chin Seng, Jieming and I at the dining table

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Jieming and me

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Toast to the President of Singapore!

Had to dig out my Bata leather shoes from under my bed for this dinner and guess what..the rubber soles were melting and rotting. I didn't realise this when leaving home until i have reached Orchid Country Club. The cleaners must hate me because wherever i walk, my shoes were staining their white marble floor. While having dinner, my shoes finally couldn't take it...the sole perimeter fell off totally one after the other. The whole floor under me became was a super big mess. To make things worse, the rubber was sticky and many small pieces were falling off and sticking to the ground. It was gross, i didn't know shoes can end up like that. I was feeling so guilty and embarrassed. Luckily the chairs and tables were covered with cloth so nobody noticed except for a few colleagues beside and in front of me because i told them haha. It was super embarrassing...but inside me i was giggling because it was pretty hilarious.

After dinner, we were invited to the reception area outside and hang around. Soon after, guess what? They invited us back into the dining hall because there was to be some performance by a signal live band. The hall has been cleared of the tables and chairs and that means the black mess i created under the table can be seen by all. When me and my colleagues saw it, we all started bursting out laughing. Although i really pitied the cleaner who was there busy trying very hard to scrub and clean it with a mop, i couldn't really help laughing was super funny..i feel so bad! I hope they won't ever find out that i was the culprit! I hope the cleaners or their children don't chance upon my blog and read this haha. Stupid Bata! To think i worked so hard for you just 3 years ago! Not gonna buy another pair of shoes from you again! Hahaha.

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The mess my shoes created

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